Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert will be in Turkey for “Who Am I” Identity & Identification seminar of two full days between 02.04.2016 – 03.04.2016
The seminar will be held in English – Turkish with sequential translation.
Participation fee 950 TL + KDV (%18)
Working Hours: 10:00- 17:00
There will be 1,5 hour lunch break.
Seminar Place : Grand Oztanik Hotel
Kocatepe Mah. Topcu Cad. No:11 Taksim / Istanbul Tel: +90 212 361 60 90
You can click the below link here for a map: www.grandoztanik.com/contact.html
Franz Ruppert, the founder of Identity oriented Psychotraumatheory and –therapy (IoPT) and the writer of ‘Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellations’, ‘Splits in the Soul’, ‘Symbiosis & Autonomy’, ‘Trauma, Love and Fear’ and ‘Early Trauma” – the first three are already published in Turkish by UKDEM, lectures psychology at the Universtiy of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany since 1992
Who is Professor Dr Franz Ruppert?
Professor Dr Franz Ruppert is much in demand as a lecturer and facilitator in Germany and many other countries. He has devoted his psychotherapeutic work to gain deeper insights into the transgenerational effects of trauma and to have a better understanding of the strong impacts of trauma in different cultures. Dr Franz Ruppert is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany.
Identity oriented Psychotraumatheory and –therapy (IoPT)
Since 1995 he has focused on psychotherapeutic work and specifically on the causes of psychosis, schizophrenia and other forms of severe mental illness. He has combined his practical experiences with his interest in bonding and attachment theories and modern trauma work in order to understand the underlying causes of these disorders.
Based on established theories as well as his own research and through many therapeutic sessions with clients, he has developed a theoretical framework which he calls Identity oriented Psychotheory and –therapy (IoPT). This framework is based on two theoretical building blocks and one practical method:
1.The concept and theory of bonding
2.Trauma theory
3.The method called Self Encounter by the Sentence of Intention.
Self Encounter
Over the past 15 years Franz Ruppert has developed a unique way of working with a method, he now calls “Self Encounter by the Sentence of Intention” to reveal and resolve the hidden dynamics and effects of trauma. This approach addresses the issue of fragmentation caused by trauma, and offers an understanding of the impact that trauma may have, not only on the individual concerned but also on the bondingsystem over many generations. This method can
- Support healthy autonomy.
- Reveals symbiotic illusions.
- Reduces re-traumatisation risk.
- Helps to integrate of the fragmentation of the traumatized human psyche.
- Creates real love beyond symbiotic entanglements.
I am endlessly grateful to Franz for his contribution to work with psychotrauma.
Göksel Karabayır
UKDEM Founder & President
Constellation Facilitator and Trainer
During these 2 days there will be working places for 10 personal Self Encounters beside understanding
Franz Ruppert’s new theories.
For further information about Franz Ruppert:
You can contact us by telephone or e-mail for reservations.
International Constellations Consulting and Training Center
Tel : +90 533 399 27 52 Tel : +90 212 245 29 42
+90 532 612 85 17 +90 224 245 20 75
E-mail : info@konstelasyon.com www.konstelasyon.com www.gokselkarabayir.com